Tuesday, September 3, 2013

First Day of School

Today was the first day of first grade and first day at the new school for Aliyah. She was so excited for her first day of  school. Even though I kept offering to drive her to school, she insisted on taking the bus. (She took the bus last year and loved it.) At the bus stop she met two other kids that were going to be in her same class. This year the bus stop isn't as convenient as it was back in Phoenix, it is a bit of a walk down the street. Not far, but I can't just wait on the front porch for her to get home like we did before. We'll see how it goes when its snowing!!! Maybe I will drive us to the bus stop. Something else that is different from the first day of kindergarten, it was 55* at the bus stop this morning!

New cute backpack that lights up with a matching lunchbox. 
I love that she is still so excited about cute little things like that

Classmates at the bus stop

Off to school...

 We are part of a Joyschool group with other families from church. We are doing it two mornings a week. (Spencer is also doing a preschool through the school district--which will be four afternoons a week. We did joyschool and preschool both last year and it was really fun for Spencer.) Today was also the first Joyschool day. Spencer loves doing silly faces for the camera - so these were the closest to a nice, smiley portrait I got:

Monday, September 2, 2013

Spencer's Fourth Birthday

For Spencer's 4th birthday we had a party with our neighbors. Since we are still new to Michigan, Spencer hasn't made very many friends yet, but the kids have played with the neighbor kids a few times each week since we moved into our new house. We had them over for a BBQ and the kids swam and played. Spencer got a stomp rocket, remote control car, a Spiderman figure, and a Mater car. He loved all of them! He has been playing with them and carrying the toys around with him since he got them. He ran the batteries out of his r/c car the first day! It was so nice to see him having such a good birthday.

New House!

On August 9th we moved into our new house. We are so excited to finally start feeling settled after the last six months of packing, home selling, moving, unpacking, repacking, moving, and finally unpacking. We love our home, yard, and neighborhood. Our ward seems really great with a lot of young families. The kids start school at the beginning of September. After an adventurous summer, things are settling back in...We look forward to getting completely unpacked and settled in and continuing to enjoy all the new experiences in Michigan. (There is a post in July with way too many pictures of our new house if you have missed it!)

One Year Old Boy!

Russell just turned one! I can’t believe my baby is growing up so fast. Here is a little about what he is up to.

He is still crawling. When he started crawling (at about 6 or 7 months, maybe) he would only army crawl, dragging himself on his belly. At about 9 months he started to learn how to really crawl on his hands and knees, but he would switch off with both styles. In the last month or two he has given up the army crawl, now that he can crawl really fast. He has been pulling himself up to standing for a month or two, and will walk along furniture if he has a specific destination, but he doesn’t do it very often. Even when I hold his hands while he is standing, he doesn’t seem interested in taking steps, so I think walking is still a bit away. He is a pretty good climber, though. He climbs onto the kids bed, up all the stairs, onto the kitchen chairs, into the bath tub and even onto the fireplace hearth.

In the last month or two he has come to realize that he is a kid just like his siblings and wants to do everything they do. Sadly, he is no longer content to just sit in the stroller and watch the kids play—he has to do it to. He loves playing in sand, in the water, in the grass. He loves eating sticks, and leaves, and dirt. He loves swinging, and slip’n’sliding. He can crawl up our Little Tikes slide and slide down on his own. He climbs into the Little Tikes red car and closes the door, and pretends he’s driving. He loves playing cars—he pushes toy cars around the house making little vrooming sounds. He is starting to look at books on his own. It is adorable to see him sitting there, looking and turning pages. He loves to crawl around and explore the house. He loves emptying out all my kitchen cabinets.

He gave up babyfood a few months ago. His favorite foods right now are grapes and blueberries. He also likes cheese, PB&J sandwiches, oatmeal, and most fruits. And finally in the last few months he has started to use a sippy cup. From about 4 or 5 months to 9 or 10 months he refused to take a bottle, so it was nice to have that option with him. He still puts everything in his mouth, and I find little things in there all the time. He also loves feeding other people his food.

When we first moved to Michigan he started having problems sleeping and was waking up in the middle of the night. That lasted about a month. Since then he is back to going to sleep pretty easily and sleeping all night.

He picked up on the kids shrieking screams a few months ago, and he uses a loud, high-pitched scream whenever he needs anything or just wants attention. Often he’ll get himself stuck somewhere and then scream for help.

I think his first official word is duck—“duh”. When we lived in W. Bloomfield we would go to the lake and he would sit in the stroller and we would look at the ducks. He was always SO excited to see them and would point to them and say “duh! Duh! Duh!”. He can also say “mama” and “dada” but I still don’t think he has related those words to us.

He loves to laugh along with others when he hears other people laughing. He is pretty easy going when his siblings try to pick him up, move him, etc, although he is starting to get mad when they take things out of his hands. He is generally a very happy and smily baby.

As he has gotten older I think he is looking more and more like Bill. I feel like he looks so much like Bill’s baby pictures. Aliyah and Spencer both have very dark brown hair and almost black eyes. Somehow Russell has light brown hair. After the summer in the sun, it almost looks blond! His eyes are a lighter brown, you can almost see some green in them. He has a lighter complexion than the other two kids, but that may be because I try to keep him in the shade more. We will see as he gets older and is running around with the big kids.

Russell's First Birthday

Aliyah helped make the cake--she is a great egg cracker

The birthday boy!

We were trying to think of something that Russell liked that we could do with him to make his birthday special. He loves spotting animals, so we thought he would enjoy the zoo. So we went to the Detroit Zoo (and actually got and annual pass). He enjoyed seeing the animals, but his favorite was seeing the peacocks up close in the picnic area.

That evening back at home, after the zoo, we had cake and presents. He liked the cake, but didn't eat a ton, and didn't really make that big of a mess.

Sunday, September 1, 2013


One Saturday we took the kid's downtown to check out Bill's office and surrounding area. The Renaissance Center, the building complex where he works, is huge and has a ton of things in it--like a drug store, post office, flower shop, dry cleaning, clothing stores, food court, movie theater, nice restaurants, car exhibits, and hotel. The building is right next to and over looks the Detroit river, which separates the US from Cananda. Also attached to the building is a station for the People Mover--a small downtown transit system. Outside the "Ren Cen",  is the Riverwalk--a paved walkway along the river leading to a park and icecream shop with a carousel. There are also places along the Riverwalk that are used for concerts and other events.

Taking the People Mover

Playing in the Car Exhibit

On the Riverwalk, with the Detroit River and Canada in the background.

Riverwalk ice cream shop and carousel