Thursday, April 24, 2008

"The Office" Party

Aftin's sister and her husband were in town last week so we decided to throw a fun little sibling party. The theme: "The Office". We watched the latest episode (for all those fellow fans...The Dinner Party) We had a trivia game and played a few fun games like "Dunderball", "Find whats missing off of Dwights desk", and "Guess how many M&Ms in Pam's candy bowl." It was a good time. Here are the pics...we all dressed up as different characters (one character is repeated), can you guess?


Lyss said...

bill that was a very impressive jim face. just thought you should know

Sharee said...

That is awesome, we watched that episode, it was pretty funny. I have seen lots of Office parties, but have not been to one myself. I wish I lived by you so we could party too.

Nicole said...

What a cute idea. The pictures are great! That episode was hilarious, but John always gets stressed out watching.