Spencer is doing great! He is 2 weeks today. We went to his 2 week appointment and he is now 10 lbs and 4 oz and 21 3/4 in long. He is in the 90th percentile for both weight and height. He is definately a big boy. (As a sidenote--Aliyah had her 3 year appointment too and had to get two shots. She has been crying ever since and wanting Bill to carry her everywhere. I think we have a bit of a drama queen on our hands!)
He is such a good little baby. Almost too good sometimes! After having Aliyah, the fussiest little baby I have ever known, he seems just too mellow. He sleeps so much and when he is awake for those few hours a day, he just looks around and hangs out. He is doing great at night going about 4-6 hours between feedings. One night he almost went 7 hours!!! We love him so much. With Aliyah still being a bit of a difficult child, it is so nice to have a mellow one (well, at least so far...who knows what the future brings!)
There is not much else to tell. We are all doing well. Bill gets 3 weeks of paternity leave--I am so very lucky. Although Spencer is easy, Aliyah still takes a lot of time and energy to deal with so he has really been a life saver as I have recovered and am getting used to having two kids. Hopefully I stay sane after he goes back to work. :)
He is ADORABLE!! I'm so glad that he's such an easy baby and sleeps so good! i'm totally jealous that Bill gets to stay home for so long! Take advantage of it! We'll defnitely get together after he goes back to work! Just give me a call!
He looks like such a sweet little guy! I'm so glad to hear that Bill gets 3 weeks paternity! That seems so unheard of these days. I hope Spencer keeps up the easy baby routine and that Aliyah enjoys being your big helper. Isn't it crazy to have a 3 year old? Did we really graduate that long ago? Past the terrible twos and on to the trying threes. Good luck!
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