Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Giants/Diamondbacks Baseball Game

We left Russell with Grandma and Grandpa Willman, and took Aliyah and Spencer to the Diamondbacks game when they were playing the San Francisco Giants. It was quite an adventure, but we had fun. The kids had a hard time sitting for the whole game, so we did lots of walking around, ate A LOT of treats, and went to the stadiums really cool kids section. They have a playground where they got to play and a mini baseball diamond where kids can practice batting. Both had long lines but it was fun for them to do. Aliyah is actually pretty good at hitting a ball--she loves playing ball at home and plays catch and does "batting practice" often with Bill. Bill enjoyed seeing his Giants win and seeing Hunter Pence hit a grand slam. We lucked out and went on fireworks night. We weren't sure if the kids would be able to make it that long or if the fireworks would scare Spencer, but they loved it.

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