Sunday, February 1, 2015

House Projects - August

We have had a few house project to do. So far we have tackled wall paper removal and painting. In August, what I thought would be a few day project turned into a month long project. The wall paper didn't want to come off and it ripped of part of the wall as we peeled tiny pieces off. After spending two weeks removing wall paper, and another week to putty and sand all the wall surfaces, I painted two thick layers of primer and then two layers of paint. Luckily all that work paid off and the walls look great. There is very little noticeable imperfections in the walls.


All the wall surfaces looked like this after removing the paper


 The bathroom has a new mirror (the old one had a white wicker frame), spray painted light fixture, and new towel rack.

Still have all the trim/cabinets/doors to paint. And still need new curtains and decor. But the hardest part is done!

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