Wednesday, February 11, 2015


This girl loves climbing trees

Since Aliyah turned 8, she was able to go to the Women's General Conference Meeting with me. Because of the time difference from Utah, the meeting started at 8pm (Aliyah's bedtime). She fell asleep before the meeting was over. We went out to dinner together before, too.

A little circus activity was at the library and the boys got to try all sorts of cool things. Russ was a bit freaked out when he was rolled upside down, but Spencer liked it.

After the circus activity, there was a fire alarm at the library and we had to wait in the parking lot for about 20 minutes. When the situation was settled, the firefighters saw I had two boys and invited me to let them come in the truck and pull the horn. It was so loud, but to this day when Russell sees a fire truck he pretends to pull a horn rope and shouts his loudest, deepest honk.

Spencer loves puzzles

Baldwin Elementary's Fun Run Activity - They try to run as many laps as they can in 10 or 15 minutes. Aliyah is in a white shirt and purple capris.

The local grocery store has a pony that kids can ride for a penny. Russell gets to ride it every week at the end of our grocery trip.

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