Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Family Update

Spencer is doing well. He is definately a "growing boy." Everyone at church commented on how big he was and was surprised that he is only 6 weeks old. He is getting better with his sleeping schedule--it is still a bit random, but he is at least taking long naps and sleeps for one long stretch (6-8 hours) at night. Now if I only went to bed at the same time he did, I could almost get a full night of uninterrupted sleep--but that rarely happens.

He was so good the first few weeks then started to get to be a big fusser, almost all day. I think the problem was that he was tired and needed to be put down for a true nap, whereas I was still thinking that he would just fall asleep wherever he was when he needed it. Then last week (while I was homebound--our car was in the body shop becuase it had been backed into) I started swaddling him and putting him in his crib and he started taking 2-4 hour naps. It is pretty great, because as a newborn and infant she would only take 2 twenty minute naps a day. The only hard thing is, it puts a little damper on our schedule. Aliyah and I love to be out doing things, running errands and visiting friends, and we could just go whenever we wanted, but now I am limited by his naps and feedings. But I won't complain--becuase at least he is napping!
Now that he is napping and sleeping better at night, he is much happier. I was thinking that maybe it was something I was eating and tried taking all sorts of things out of my diet. I was thinking that dairy and chocolate (my two favorite food group) might be the culprit, but I think it was the tiredness.

Although he is happier, he still wants to be held all the time--he gets fussy if I put him down for too long and the swing and bouncy seat don't keep him occupied very long. But at least I can keep him generally happy--I just don't get much done around the house.

Aliyah is doing well. She loves her brother and expresses it way too dangerously. She is always, smashing or pulling or hitting him. It is all because she wants to help him or love him or play with him, but it is still scary and frustrating. She is 3 and definately acts like it. She has a big attitude all the time, but can still be sweet and caring. She is a social butterfly and assumes that every child is her friend. Any time we go to the park or a store or just walking down the street, and she sees another child her age she shouts "Theres my friend mom." And wants to play with him or her. A few days ago we met our neighbors a few houses down that have a 3 year old boy and 3 month old girl. Cody is now her new best friend.

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