Friday, December 4, 2009

Random Family Pics

Big Smiles!
He is now smiling all the time. He loves to interact with people. When we get in his face and talk to him and tickle his cheeks or tummy he gives a huge smile with his whole body--his cheeks get big, his eyes squint, he rolls his head around, and his arms and legs just start moving all around. It is soooo cute!
Ready for Church
I just love little boys in sweater vests. Although he is a bit sad in this picture (Sunday mornings aren't the best time of the week for us), I think his outfit is adorable.

Spencer loves his daddy and his daddy loves him!

Princess Aliyah
She loves to dress up. She is constantly changing her clothes, probably at least 10 times a day, really.

Spencer is always holding his hands together like this...its cute!
My 27th Birthday!
It was a good day. Thanks to my fam for the great gifts--an awesome new skillet, a weekend of Aliyah babysitting (from my sister...thanks Ash!), a new magazine, and a new camera. Wow! Am I in my late 20's now???
Aliyah and Spence

Looking at Balloons from our beautiful Arizona backyard. :)

1 comment:

Sharee said...

I really love your backyard! Happy Birthday!!! Can you believe we are to 27? It seems just crazy to me too. I also LoVe the little sweater vests. I have Kash in one almost every week at church! I guess girls are not the only children that you can dress cute!