Friday, May 16, 2008

A Chapstick Addiction

To all my friends from years gone by, remember my chapstick addiction? Until about a year or so ago, I was never complete without a chapstick in my pocket or purse to apply every 30 minutes. Well, I have overcome this "problem"...however Aliyah seems to have inherited it! Everytime she sees any chapstick, lipgloss, or lipstick, she screams to get it. I made the mistake of putting it on her once. Like they say, it might only take once to get you hooked!


Lindsey said...

Pucker up boys!!! Aliyah is on the loose!

Sharee said...

I am still addicted! What is the secret? The one cosmetic item that I just cannot live without. I will go days without makeup, but NEVER chapstick! Man is Aliyah beautiful, you think it is rough now, wait until she is a beautiful teenager - ahhhhh!

Aaron and Melanie Gordon said...

I even remember your chapstick addiction. Your little girl looks so much like you. She reminds me a little bit of Raquel when she was a baby.