Wednesday, February 24, 2010

First Day of School

Aliyah started preschool in January. I am actually doing the Joy School program with her, which is a parent taught preschool group. We have a lesson manual that we purchased for the program and we rotate each week teaching two days a week. It has been a lot of fun and is a more economical way for preschool (especially with her September birthday, she still had 2.5 years until kindgergarten). We do it with two other families in our ward and hope to get a few more involved in the fall.


Lindsey said...

Oh that's great! I have sure gone back and forth on the preschool issue but mostly because Dallin would not potty train and is still so stubborn about getting dressed and going places. I'm hoping it will be less of a fight in the fall because he will be so excited (Right?!). Is the AZ cutoff for kindegarten end of August? I would have thought that Aliyah would be able to start the year she turned 5 with a Sep birthday. I hope you are loving the time with just your little boy (esp if he's napping some of the time :)

Ashley said...

That's awesome! I wished I lived close by...I would love to join you guys. I hope by the time Josie is able to do that I can stay home and do something similiar! Awesome!