Sunday, July 3, 2011

Aftin's Haircut

In May, I cut my hair. Although it looked nice when I did it, I rarely had enough time to do all of that hair. So 95% of the time it was in a ponytail. I was just ready to cut it. Although the cut didn't turn out great (I actually had to have it redone), its just nice to have short hair that's not always in the way.

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

Wow! I remember when you chopped it off the last time. Mine was pretty long up until three years ago and I was able to donate it, but it has never again made it as long as you got yours again. Impressive!! I bet it feels great with your hot summers. I totally know it's time to chop mine off again if all I do with it every day is pull it back. I think it's about time...