Monday, April 6, 2009

Pictures from January

Again, it has been a long time between posts. Here are a few pics from January:

This is one of the maybe 5 times EVER, that Aliyah has ever fallen asleep outside of her bed. I think she was sick.

Aliyah and her friend Lily

Aliyah has started to want to "help" me cook

With her blankie

Her picture pose- any time I get the camera out for a picture she runs to the front door and gives this silly face

I actually got a real smile here

Helping with the laundry (again, the silly smile)

She loves to dress up, choose her own clothes and change clothes often

My cute little princess
More posts to come...


Lindsey said...

Hooray! Pictures! I just thought I would click on your blog thinking, "What are the chances of there being something new?" (Sorry for the doubt!) Aliyah looks so cute! I love the picture of her in the hat! What is it with little girls and dress ups? Dallin is still completely uninterested in even changing his clothes once a day (out of jammies!) I think I like this 2 year old stage afterall. They are a riot with all their curiousity. I hope that your next post shows your growing tummy!!

Michael and Anita said...

Oh my word--SOOOO adorable! :) She is so fun! Hope you guys are dong good and not burning up--still in Phoenix, right? It is SUPER hot here today (L.A.).