Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Easter was fun this year with Aliyah. She got really excited about and actually understood most of fun Easter traditions like eggs and baskets, etc.

Dying Easter Eggs:

Easter Baskets:

Easter Egg Hunt:

Cheking out the Basket:

Picture with Cousin Minnette (the only one where they are both looking at the camera!!):

Aliyah in her Pretty Purple Dress:
The Easter Pinata, Let me explain...
My sister, Amber, was leaving for BYU-I the next day. We had a "going-away" party for her the night before but ran out of time to do the pinata. So we just did it the next day, Easter, since we were all at my parents house again. Aliyah had fun and talked about "hitting the bird" for a couple weeks (pinatas aren't great teaching tools for toddlers). Bill took the final swing and knocked the bird in half!

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